Hop and Chop is the seventh animated short in the Tijuana Toads series which was released on December 6, 1970.
- Directed by Hawley Pratt
- Written by John W. Dunn
- Animated by Irven Spence (Credited As Irv Spence), Kenneth Muse (Credited As Ken Muse), Manny Gould, Don Williams, and Robert Bentley.
The Toads try to eat a Japanese Beetle.
Tijuana Toads (1969-1972) Tijuana Toads ◉ A Pair of Greenbacks ◉ Go for Croak ◉ The Froggy Froggy Duo ◉ Hop and Chop ◉ Never on Thirsty ◉ A Dopey Hacienda ◉ Snake in the Gracias ◉ Two Jumps and a Chump ◉ Mud Squad ◉ The Egg and Ay-Yi-Yi! ◉ Fastest Tongue in the West ◉ A Leap in the Deep ◉ Croakus Pocus ◉ Serape Happy ◉ Frog Jog ◉ Flight to the Finish. |