Pink Panther - (Robber Jogger) - 1977 Whitman Jigsaw Puzzle #4767 (Western Publishing) - 99 Large Fully Interlocking Pieces - 10" x 13" - Bonus! Free Mini Comic Book Inside!
Free Comic[]
- March of Comics #418 The Pink Panther - Royal Pink - 1973 Western Publishing
Puzzle Series[]
There were 4 puzzles in this Bonus Puzzle series in 1977. The Pink Panther was the only new puzzle in the series, the other 3, Bugs Bunny, Tweety & Sylvester, and The Road Runner were all reprinted puzzles in new boxes with the mini comics (March of Comics). An ad for the puzzle series can be found in various summer and fall 1977 Gold Key/Whitman comics.