Pink Panther vol 1 #8 - Gold Key Sep 1972 - (Western Publishing)
- Pink Panther (1,2,4)
- The Inspector (1,3)
- The Commissioner (1,3)
- Big Nose (2,4)
- Pink Panther - Pink Slip Panther - 8 pages
- Pink Panther - Pink Beau - 5 pages
- The Inspector - Alias Big Timber - 6 pages
- Pink Panther - The Pink Varlet - 6 pages
- Available in both Gold Key and Whitman editions.
- Pink Slip Panther is the only story of the Western Publishing era that features both the Pink Panther and the The Inspector. It also features The Commissioner.
- Golden Comics Digest #45 (1-4)
- Pink Panther UK Annual 1975 (1-4)
- La Pantera Rosa Mensile #11 (1,2) Italy
- La Pantera Rosa Mensile #11 (4) Italy
- Domingos Alegres #1086 (1,2) Mexico