The Pink Panther Wiki
The Pink Panther
Episode 59
Slink Pink
Air date April 2, 1969
Written by John W. Dunn
Directed by Hawley Pratt
Music score Walter Greene
Episode Guide
Think Before You Pink
In the Pink of the Night

Slink Pink is the 59th Episode in the Series.


The short starts with a Pink Panther sleeping on a park bench on a cold winter's night. When he sees that his hot water bottle has ice cubes in it, he decides to take shelter in a nearby apartment. However, after warming himself by the fire, he looks around and sees a bunch of animal trophies mounted on the wall, and he realizes that he's entered a hunter's house. He then hears footsteps, and switches out a stuffed brown panther, and stands in the trophy's place. The hunter and his dog then enter the room, but after sniffing the Pink Panther, the dog starts to bark at him, but the hunter, thinking that the Pink Panther is still the trophy, tries to convince the dog that the panther is stuffed by repeatedly tapping him with a stick. After the hunter leaves, the dog repeatedly taps the panther with the same stick and walks away. But then, the panther hits the dog on the head with the stick, and the dog goes to his master, trying to warn him.

Before he can be exposed, the Pink Panther puts the stuffed brown panther back into its place and flees. The dog tries to convince his master that the panther is alive, but the frustrated hunter again taps the panther with the stick and proceeds to leave the room. The dog then rips the stuffed brown panther to pieces, only to be beaten by the hunter with a newspaper. Later, the hunter is about to have a roast chicken for dinner, but goes to get a bottle of wine. The Pink Panther, who was still in hiding, grabs the roast chicken with a fishing rod and eats it. When the hunter returns with the bottle of wine, he sees only the bones of the roast chicken, and, believing that the dog ate his dinner, beats him once more with the newspaper before putting him to bed early. Later, the panther is seen taking a bath, but he suddenly ducks underneath the water when the hunter comes in to take a bath of his own.

The hunter turns the bath water on hot, which sends the panther flying out of the bathroom. Unaware of what's really going on, the hunter goes out to his trophy room and sees the wet Pink Panther where the brown panther was, except this time, with water dripping onto the floor, creating a puddle. Believing that his dog has urinated in the house, he angrily throws the dog out and slams the door. Later on, the dog sees the panther sitting in the hunter's chair and reading the newspaper, and sneaks back into the house through the basement window. But then, the panther leaves the chair when the hunter enters the room to read the newspaper, and the hunter is then mauled by the dog. Despite the dog's attempt to make up with his master by kissing his foot, he is promptly thrown back out. Afterwards, a tired panther goes to the hunter's bedroom and falls asleep. Meanwhile, the dog sees this and once again goes through the basement window, to get rid of the panther from the hunter's house.

This time, the panther wakes up and leaves for a glass of water, while a weary hunter goes to bed and falls asleep. The dog then sneaks into the room and shoots the hunter with a rifle, once again thinking that it's the panther. With this serving as the final straw, the enraged hunter chases the dog away, repeatedly firing at him with his rifle and the panther sees this and goes back in the house and back in the bedroom, making the house his since the hunter left. The short ends with the panther turning off the light and going to sleep.
